
Dear client, it is our goal to provide awesome service to every one of our clients. Please see below for our guarantees to you:
1. We will return your emails and phone calls within 2 business days.
2. We will E-file your tax return for FREE.
3. We are responsible for penalties related to our preparation errors.
4. Your return will always be reviewed by at least 2 sets of eyes.
5. We will provide a regular electronic newsletter of tax advice,.
Please take the time to read and answer interview questions to get the price quote, thank you!

How many active employees do you have on regular payroll? 0 - 5 人/People $200,00 x 1 $200,00
How frequent is your payroll schedule? 每週一次 Weekly $300,00 x 1 $300,00
Do you have Liquor License? Yes $100,00 x 1 $100,00
Do you need annual client visit (2 hours)? Yes $25,00 x 1 $25,00
Option Total $625,00
Product Price $600,00 x 1 $600,00
Total $1.225,00

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